Market leading physical power trading platform.
The ultimate
end-to-end power trading operations solution
PowerDesk Data Manager is a leading power trading communications and operations platform. The solution supports asset and meter data management, trading and settlements, with market connectivity in the Nordics, Europe, Western Australia and Canada (Ontario).
If you are a power producer, asset owner or balance responsible party, be empowered to achieve efficiency gains. Automate production planning, trading, TSO communications and back-office processes in compliance with regional rules.

Communicate with TSOs, DSOs, NEMOs and hubs with regulatory compliance, and with integrated systems through our large portfolio of implemented communication protocols.
Store and maintain your asset and meter data in one central place.
Automate scheduling processes to meet deadlines set by the regional TSOs to avoid incurring penalty fees.
Make more informed decisions by running time series calculations on large volumes of complex trading, production and metering data.
Plan power production schedules quickly with real-time feeds of the latest weather forecasting data from external sources. Model PPAs to evaluate the impact of different pricing options on the generation assets’ output.
Process, manage and distribute large volumes of meter data. Secure payments quicker with automated invoicing and settlement processes.

State-of-the art trader’s dashboard and market visualisation
Achieve a superior front office user experience by complimenting your PowerDesk Data Manager with an innovative short-term power trader’s dashboard.
Schedule a consultation demo with Brady today
If you would like to schedule a consultation or book a demonstration, please fill in this form and we’ll get back to you shortly.