Brady ETRM
Enterprise-wide European ETRM Software.

Brady ETRM is a European energy trading and risk management platform with 30 years of experience and a strong customer base. It offers comprehensive front, mid, and back-office functionality, ideal for multi-national players managing complex portfolios of physical assets and financial contracts. The solution excels in risk modelling and valuation of structured deals, physical assets and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
Key functionality
Trade Management
- Deal capture and contract management of energy related commodities
- Intuitive monitors to display business critical results
- Automatic generation of price books and forward curves
- Easy to import and manage derivatives and settlement prices
Risk Management
- Mark-to-market
- Risk & currency exposure reporting
- Risk sensitivity analysis
- Value-at-Risk analysis
- Cash flow-at-risk analysis
- Stress test reporting
Market Connectivity
Connectivity to popular price sources and platforms across power, gas and emissions markets:
- Live-price fees from Montel’s energy pricing data service
- Automatic deal capture from major energy trading exchanges.
- Reconciliation support for exchange trades
- Real-time EMIR & REMIT regulatory reporting
Energy Reporting Service
- Integrates with popular business intelligence (BI) tools
- Enables export of real-time entity and transactions
- Time-series export of P&L & risk metrics at various resolution
- Business critical reporting in SQL views
- Retention policy and self-cleansing mechanism to regulate database growth
Some of our amazing clients
"We are delighted to see the impact Brady’s Energy Reporting Service has made on our business. Our mid office team has experienced around 80% reduction in manual tasks upon being operational with this solution. We can now focus more on analysis work to provide the insights our traders need more efficiently."
Alessandro VassalliAxpo Italia IT Trading Demand Manager 
"We are delighted to see the impact Brady’s Energy Reporting Service has made on our business. Our mid office team has experienced around 80% reduction in manual tasks upon being operational with this solution. We can now focus more on analysis work to provide the insights our traders need more efficiently."

Schedule a consultation demo with Brady today
If you would like to schedule a consultation or book a demonstration, please fill in this form and we’ll get back to you shortly.